announcing: "Voices in Exile" A film by Tenzin Wangden Andrugtsang
Produced by Joe Mickey in association with Cameras for Cultures
& The Tibetan Photo Project Voices in Exile
of Self
four years of the evolution of the effort of Cameras for Cultures
and The Tibetan Photo Project to give Tibetans in exile a new
voice and a vehicle to tell their story through their photos,
Joe Mickey and Sazzy Varga, co-founders of the Tibetan Photo
Project are proud to announce the start of production of the
first documentary film to be directed, photographed and edited
by Tenzin Wangden Andrugstang in Dharamsala, India.
in Exile" A film by Tenzin Wangden Andrugtsang Produced by Cameras
for Cultures & The Tibetan Photo Project Production began in
July 2004.
since the beginning in 2000, Wangden has provided the project
with exceptional images of life in exile, beautiful and touching
portraits and a photo essay on a Tibetan pilgrimage to Bodha
is a second-generation Tibetan living in exile and his resume
as a teacher, activist and secretary in the Office of The Dalai
Lama gives him both insight and access to the vast array of
Tibetan life as it exists in exile.
work for the project started with a few disposable cameras that
were donated to The Tibetan Photo Project by Kodak CEO Daniel
Carp. On his own, he advanced his equipment and shooting.
contributing to The Tibetan Photo Project, Wangden has produced
his own Website,
which tells the long out-of-print story "Four Rivers Six Ranges"
which chronicles legendary Tibetan freedom fighter Dzasak Lithangpa
Andrug Gonpo Tashi.
this will be Wangden's first documentary film effort of sound
and motion, his instinctive photographic talent consistently
reflects his heart and passion through which he is able to live,
see and send back to relate the full experience of life in exile.
His photographs have been featured in exhibits by Antioch University
and the Meadows Museum at Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana
The Tibetan Photo Project itself, the goal of "Voices in Exile"
is to produce this from the Tibetan people.
For Cultures and The Tibetan Photo Project cofounder Joe Mickey
will act as the producer to finance the project and Sazzy Varga
will act as associate producer but the team notes, "Like the
Tibetan Photo Project, we know there are many beautiful and
sensitive views of Tibetan life and nearly all of these have
been created by the Western eye looking in on the Tibetans with
preconceived notions. "Voices From Exile" will be Wangden's
vision and if not the original, he will be among the first to
create a voice from the Tibetans in this medium. When Wangden
asks, we will offer only technical advice".
Varga, will also keep the updates on the Web and advise on computer
A 40-minute work-in-progress DVD version was premiered in By
Wangden in Shreveport on Feb. 27. The final cut of this film
will be available on DVD with a projected release date of July
- August 2005.
critics and distributors interested in the obtaining advance
sales and copies should contact The Tibetan Photo Project on
the Web at
or by e-mail